Maduvvari Online
@MaduvvaryonlineVery First Online News of Raa Atoll Maduvvari - Rep. Of Maldives
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Hezbollah: Israel will be punished with our military power. Israel will be removed from the map of the world very soon
ކަންނެލި މަސްވެރިންގެ ކަންބޮޑުވުންތަކަކީ ހަޤީގަތުގައިވެސް އަޑު އަހާ ހައްލެއް ގެނެސްދޭންޖެހޭ ކަންކަން! ވީހާވެސް ގިނަ އޮޑިފަހަރު މި އިހްތިޖާޖް ގައި ބައިވެރިވެ މަޝްވަރާ ގެ މަތިން އަވަސް ހައްލެއް ހޯދުން މުހިންމު!
ކަންނެލި މަސްވެރިންނަށް ވީ ވައުދުނުފުއްދާ ކަންނެލި ހިފަން ލޭނު އަޅަން ހުއްދަ ދިނުމާ ދެކޮޅަށް ކަންނެލި މަސްވެރިން މާދަމާ އިހުތިޖާޖް ކުރަން މިދަނީ ތަށްޔާރު ވަމުން ! އިރާދަކުރެއްވިއްޔާ ކަންނެލި މަސްވެރިންގެ ހައްޤުގައި ސާބިތުވެ ދެމިތިބޭނަން! @Shiyamaldives @MFORmv
#ILC2024 'Attacks on the #right to freedom of association & #collectivebargaining persist. This is profoundly troubling. TU's remain steadfast, united & resolute in defence of these essential rights, to face & overcome challenges & opposition" @itucasiapacific @SolidarityCntr
BKMU protest urging for fair price and calling immediate stop licensing longline fishing. @iufap @SolidarityCntr @MFORmv @mtucMV
President of @FishermensUnion @HussainNasheed8 highlights the concerns of Yellow fin Tuna fishermens. @SolidarityCntr @iufap @Shiyamaldives @MFORmv Fair wages and sustainability
BKMU in masveringe kanboduvun faalhu kurumuge gothun sarukaarun vi vaudhu nufuddaa, Laynu hudda kuruma dekolhah akuriyah gendhaa ihuthijaaz, @Shiyamaldives BKMU ah mashvraa kurumah govaalan @Dhaurunews @AdhadhuMV @rasonlinemv @Raajje_tv @Ch13official @iufap @SolidarityCntr
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Irrespective of job roles and types all workers deserve to be protected from all forms of harm Let's make OSH a priority. @MaldivesHPU
Comprising roles from administrative staff to attendants, electricians, and other technicians, support staff make up 40% of the healthcare workforce. It’s essential for hospitals to provide a conducive work environment and necessary equipment, such as safety shoes, specialized…
🇮🇷🇮🇱 The Iranian president laughs at Israel after today's "attack" "We are fighting a war of wills, and Iran has won and will continue to achieve victories. 'The True Promise' reflected our strength, the iron will of our people, and our unity. All segments of the people and…
‼️Update A senior official at SBI just confirmed to me SBI didn’t extend the USD bond maturity for govt & asked @MMuizzu to pay 250 million USD in full & govt did. They did it in the middle of India-Maldives crisis (@shiuna_m @malshasharyf tweet thing). That’s why it affected…
‼️🚨Breaking News BML is reducing card limit from 250 USD to 225 USD and planning to reduce it to 25 USD (twenty five USD) in the next few weeks if situation doesn't improve. Maldives cannot print USD, we can only print MVR. We'll hit a sovereign default if we don't get USD.
#Highlights from our annual gathering @TEAMmaldives @TAMaldives @FishermensUnion @MaldivesHPU @mjamaldives @port_union #UnionStrong #Ratify #IR and #OSH
މަރުޙަބާ އެމްޑީޕީ. ގިނަ ދިވެހިންނާއި ޤައުމަށް މިއީ އުފާވެރި ދިވަހެއް. * ފުރަތަމަ އުޅުނީ އެމްޑީޕީ ބޭނުން ކޮށްގެން ބަރުލަމާނީ ބަޣާވާތެއް ގެނެސް ރަމްޒީ ރައީސަކަށް އިންތިޚާބީ ރައީސް ބަދަލުކޮށްލަން. އެމްޑީޕީ އިން އެކަމަށް ބުނީ ނޫނެކޭ. * ދެން އުޅުނީ އިންތިޚާބީ ރައީސް ހުވާކުރުމުގެ…
އަންބި ދަރިންނާ ދުރުގައި މަސައްކަތް ކުރުމަކީ ފަސޭހަ ކަމެއް ނޫން. އަމިއްލަ ރަށް ނޫން ރަށް ރަށުގައި މަސައްކަތް ކުރާ ޕްރިންސިޕަލުންނަށް 7000 ރުފިޔާ ދޭން ނިންމުމަކީ ވަރަށް ވެސް އުފާވެރި ހަބަރެއް. #KuriahKuriah
ސިއްހީ ދާއިރާގައި މަސައްކަތް ކުރާ، ނޮން ޓެކްނިކަލް މުވައްޒަފުންގެ އަސާސީ މުސާރަތައް ރިވިއު ނުވެ އެތައް ދުވަހެއް! މުސާރައިގެ ހެޔޮ ބަދަލަކީ އަސާސީ މުސާރައަށް އަންނަ ހެޔޮ ބަދަލު! @iameeru @Ahmed_hamdhan @MoFmv @MoHmv
1 މެއި ގައި ސިއްހީ ދާއިރާގެ މަސައްކަތްތެރިން އައު ޕޭ ފްރޭމް ވޯކް އަށް ބަދަލުކުރެވޭ އިރު، ދާއިރާގެ 40 އިން ސަންތަ ހިއްސާ ކުރާ، ނޮން ޓެކްނިކަލް(ސަޕޯޓް ސްޓާފް) ސްޓާފުން ނަށް ވެސް އެކަށީގެންވާ މުސާރައިގެ ކުރިއެރުން ލިބެން ޖެހޭ! @iameeru @Ahmed_hamdhan @MoHmv @MoFmv
އަހަރެންގެ ހައްގު ކޮބާ؟ #supportstaffmatter Pay harmonisation must include all healthcare care workers! @iameeru @Ahmed_hamdhan @KerafaNaseem @governmentmv @PSIasiapacific
Trade union rights and collective bargaining rights are denied in #Maldives, all workers must fight to get fundamental labor rights such as freedom of Association, right to strike and CB in order to empower economically, socially and politically. #ITUC22
This is a bill that has been in @mvpeoplesmajlis for around 7 years in various forms and versions. This is the second term of the parliament that's coming to an end with this bill not even getting discussed. More pressure needs to be put on the parliament members by the people.
We are calling out to pass the Industrial Relations bill in manner that protects the rights of the unions and workers. @faya_i @mvpeoplesmajlis @presidencymv @MohamedNasheed @ibusolih #PassIRBill
މުދައްރިސުންގެ ދުވަހުގެ ތަހުނިޔާ ހުރިހާ މުދައްރިސުންނަށާއި އެމީހުންގެއާއިލާތަކަށް ކިޔަމެވެ. @Dhaurunews @oneonlinemv @thevoice_mv @DhiyaresNews @Mihaarunews @VaguthuOnline @thepressmv @sangunews @thiladhun
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Who to follow
TEAM Kudey Mohamed
@KudeyKudey -
team mafru
@mafrooh2 -
Alhu Ammar
@MVworkers -
Port Workers Union
@port_union -
Thoha N
@ThohaNaseer -
@sodig111 -
Ahmed Shiham
@AhmadhShiham -
@MateyZakir -
A Fayaz (shaisham)
@shaisham2 -
M Wadde
@EmWadde -
Hameed Sahaa 🇵🇸
@hameedmv -
A04 Adam
@YSaleem3 -
Hussain Nasheed
@HussainNasheed8 -
Mohamed Shahid
@Mohamed92489735 -
ALee bro
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