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As you can see in the full documentary, he agreed to blow himself up with eight kilos (18 lbs) of explosives strapped to his body. Warning: This documentary film contains information and facts that may shock and even traumatize the “pro-Palestinian” useful idiots who call to…

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🚨URGENTE - Rei da Espanha é recebido com pedradas em Valência por não ter ajudado o povo nas enchentes!

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O Presidente @jairbolsonaro desenhando pra quem ainda não entendei o que está acontecendo, durante entrevista para @auriverdebrasil

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🚨URGENTE - A CNN denuncia que Kamala Harris está vinculando anúncios pró-Israel na Pensilvânia e pró-Palestina no Michigan “A candidata mais falsa da história na campanha mais falsa da história, zero princípios”

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Jornalista abandonou o programa ao ver injustiças sendo ditas sobre Trump.

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Na carótida , a militância woke, travestida de progressismo, nada mais é do que censura e intolerância. Se você não concorda com uma ideia, contradiga com outra. Destruir e queimar livros é típico de Torquemada e da versão moderna do velho revisionismo histórico da esquerda .

DINO PRETENDERÁ CENSURAR A BÍBLIA? O Ministro Flávio Dino acabou de tomar uma decisão judicial que instala oficialmente a censura na academia jurídica brasileira. Independentemente do que esteja escrito, a censura de trechos de livros só é compatível com regimes ditatoriais. O…

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É oficial agora PT causa mais prejuízo que a PANDEMIA

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Those are the “innocent” Palestinians in Gaza on full display. “We are the ones who launched this war, and we will be the ones to end it. Until the last drop of our blood, we keep offering, and sacrificing until all of us die, for the sake of Allah."

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Meu requerimento de convocação desse ministro já foi aprovado. Há realmente suspeita de pedalada. Ele terá muito o que explicar aqui no Senado. Leia aqui:…

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O dólar só não explodiu antes porque a economia do governo Bolsonaro segurou… os primeiros meses do governo Lula foram salvos pelo Paulo Guedes. Incrível como a Faria Lima não sabia disso…

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Elon Musk: I have a huge respect for anyone who puts in an honest day's work to contribute to society. “I didn't really set out to be innovative. I think you want to set out with saying, what's a useful product or service that you think people would like and then try to make…

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Tehran today : A student who was warned about the hijab by the modesty guards, took off her clothes and walked around naked. The Revolutionary Guards beat her and bruised her head, put her in a car and disappeared.

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Everything we have been fighting for these past four years comes down to the next four days. We’ve been setting records in the early voting, but we can’t let up—in-person early voting in MICHIGAN ends on SUNDAY. It’s NOW or NEVER!

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Demétrio deu um fecho na militante.

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🚨BREAKING: Two B-52H Long-Range Strategic Bombers from the 5th Bomb Wing have arrived in the Middle East in preparation for Iran’s attack on Israel.

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Trump: On the day of my [12:00] inauguration, the resignation letters of all senior military officials involved in the disastrous US withdrawal from Afghanistan should be on my desk.

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Yeah! Also, the legacy media says you’re far right if you care about the government killing pet squirrels …

i’d normally be meme-ing about topical things like this but this legit pisses me off a taxpayer funded agency raiding a man’s house to murder his rescue pets is just plain evil

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