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Lauri Huldin Reposted

Uutismediasta tulee turha. Tämä johtuu siitä, että ihmiset eivät näemmä pääse edes artikkelin toiseen kappaleeseen asti. Heti ingressin jälkeen tehdään johtopäätös, joka luultasti on väärä. Ja sitten huudetaan.

Lauri Huldin Reposted

Russians murdered this little boy today. Don't look away.

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Lauri Huldin Reposted

Kävi vaaleissa kuinka tahansa, Euroopan olisi aika aikuistua. Kuvittelimme lapsen lailla, että energia, raha ja turvallisuus eivät oikeasti maksaisi meille- tai "joku muu" kustantaisi nämä meille. Tällä viikolla hitaatkin alkavat havahtua vastuullisen aikuisen todellisuuteen.

Lauri Huldin Reposted

Se on helvetin surullista. Jos venäjä voittaa sodan, en voisi enää ikinä luottaa Länteen. venäläisen imperialismin nälkä kasvaa syödessä. Eikö tätä vieläkään ymmärretä?

Jotenkin tää vaan on niin surullista.…

Lauri Huldin Reposted

This is how dictators destroy free nations. They threaten those who speak against them with death. We cannot entrust our country and our freedom to a petty, vindictive, cruel, unstable man who wants to be a tyrant. #Womenwillnotbesilenced #VoteKamala

Trump on Liz Cheney: "Let's put her with a rifle standing there with 9 barrels shooting at her. Let's see how she feels about it. You know, when the guns are trained on her face."

Lauri Huldin Reposted

What a sick, disgusting, evil, awful, tiny human this orange clown is. I can’t wait till he’s in jail after losing this race

Trump on Liz Cheney: "Let's put her with a rifle standing there with 9 barrels shooting at her. Let's see how she feels about it. You know, when the guns are trained on her face."

Lauri Huldin Reposted

Some truly horrifying Halloween costume ideas

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Lauri Huldin Reposted

When you order a sex doll from Temu

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Lauri Huldin Reposted

I don’t really do endorsements. I’m not shy about sharing my views, but I hate politics and don’t trust most politicians. I also understand that people want to hear from me because I am not just a celebrity, I am a former Republican Governor. My time as Governor taught me to…

Lauri Huldin Reposted

Miten FASISMI alkoi? Matemaatikko, filosofi Bertrand Russell (1872-1970): -Ensin he hurmaavat tyhmät. Sitten he vaientavat älykkäät.

La citation du jour: Lorsqu'on lui a demandé comment le fascisme avait commencé, Bertrand Russell a répondu : « D'abord, ils fascinent les imbéciles. Ensuite, ils musèlent les intelligents. » - Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872-1970), mathématicien, logicien, philosophe,…

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Lauri Huldin Reposted

This is so shameful.

If you kill one person, the Interpol will chase you around the world to prosecute you. If you kill one million people, the UN General Secretary will chase you to shake your hand. #DeclareGuterresNonGrata

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Lauri Huldin Reposted

Elon Musk does whatever Vladimir Putin tells him to do

Lauri Huldin Reposted

If @antonioguterres decides to resign, Lithuania won't try to talk him out of it.

Lauri Huldin Reposted

“Estonian cartoonists understand it all well”

Эстонские карикатуристы все хорошо понимают.

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Lauri Huldin Reposted

UN is an organization officially supporting terrorism.

How can Antonio #Guterres meet, as if nothing, with #Putin – aka a fugitive, wanted by 120 police forces and suspected of countless crimes? Contempt for law and justice.Violation of the UN Charter. A spit on the face of #Ukraine & #Israel. A political and moral disgrace & shame.

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Lauri Huldin Reposted

Guterres, the UN Secretary General meets Putin, who's declared wanted by the International Criminal Court. Both the UN and the ICC are a joke.

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Lauri Huldin Reposted

I think @Kasparov63 is clear in his messaging. Deadly clear.

Lauri Huldin Reposted

Man on the left is the UN Secretary-General Man on the right is a wanted war criminal

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Lauri Huldin Reposted

It’s one thing for some leftist group to call you a fascist. Quite another when it’s a fellow Republican. And absolutely astonishing when it’s your own chief of staff.

Lauri Huldin Reposted

Putin is a not a "so-called" enemy of the free world. He is the greatest threat to our allies and partners in Europe since Hitler. That Trump cannot grasp this basic fact makes him unqualified to served as commander in chief.

Trump says dictators like Vladimir Putin are “so-called enemies” and “might not be enemies”


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