@KuriahKandan Profile picture

Kuriah Kandan


Joined February 2022
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Dhuvas' recent poll results indicate a solid 54% backing for President Ibrahim Solih. The Maldivian people continue to place their trust in his leadership. #IbuOK

KuriahKandan's tweet image. Dhuvas' recent poll results indicate a solid 54% backing for President Ibrahim Solih. The Maldivian people continue to place their trust in his leadership. #IbuOK

Even in a poll by political opponent Maleeh Jamal, President @ibusolih garners a remarkable 57% support. The message is loud and clear: Nation says #IbuOK.

KuriahKandan's tweet image. Even in a poll by political opponent Maleeh Jamal, President @ibusolih garners a remarkable 57% support. The message is loud and clear: Nation says #IbuOK.

Even Hassan Kurusee, known for his anti-Solih stance, shows a 41.7% support for the President in his poll. Considering his anti-government following, this is a significant number. #IbuOK

KuriahKandan's tweet image. Even Hassan Kurusee, known for his anti-Solih stance, shows a 41.7% support for the President in his poll. Considering his anti-government following, this is a significant number. #IbuOK

Despite Khabaru Online's 47.5% figure, other polls consistently place @ibusolih above 50%. The nation says #IbuOK.

KuriahKandan's tweet image. Despite Khabaru Online's 47.5% figure, other polls consistently place @ibusolih above 50%. The nation says #IbuOK.

The latest poll from The Press shows an impressive 55.3% of Maldivians supporting President Ibrahim Solih. The nation's confidence in him is strong. #IbuOk

KuriahKandan's tweet image. The latest poll from The Press shows an impressive 55.3% of Maldivians supporting President Ibrahim Solih. The nation's confidence in him is strong.

The people of Male' are clear: we don't want a return to the injustices and failures of the past. #IbuOK

For a future where every Maldivian can thrive, let's support President Ibu. He's the leader we need. #IbuOk

Leadership is about capability and integrity. Unfortunately, Muizz falls short on both counts. #IbuOK

Optimizing Thilafushi for warehousing marks an innovative approach to urban planning in Male. #IbuOK

KuriahKandan's tweet image. Optimizing Thilafushi for warehousing marks an innovative approach to urban planning in Male. #IbuOK

ވެއާހައުސް ހަބެއްގެ ގޮތުގައި ތިލަފުއްޓަކީ ގޭމް ޗޭންޖަރއެއް. މާލޭގައި ޓްރެފިކް މަދުވެ އެފިޝިއެންސީ އިތުރުވާނެ ކަމަށް އުންމީދު ކުރާވޭ. #IbuOK

މޯލްޑިވްސް އޯޕަން މުބާރާތްތަކުގެ ސަބަބުން ކުޅިވަރުގެ ފަތުރުވެރިކަމާއި ވާދަވެރިކަން އުޖާލާވެގެންދާނެ. އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ ރަށްރަށަށް ދުނިޔޭގެ ފެންވަރުގެ އިވެންޓްތައް ގެނެސްދެއްވިކަމަށްޓަކައި އިބޫއަށް ޝުކުރު ދަންނަވަން. IbuOK#

KuriahKandan's tweet image. މޯލްޑިވްސް އޯޕަން މުބާރާތްތަކުގެ ސަބަބުން ކުޅިވަރުގެ ފަތުރުވެރިކަމާއި ވާދަވެރިކަން އުޖާލާވެގެންދާނެ. އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ ރަށްރަށަށް ދުނިޔޭގެ ފެންވަރުގެ އިވެންޓްތައް ގެނެސްދެއްވިކަމަށްޓަކައި އިބޫއަށް ޝުކުރު ދަންނަވަން. IbuOK#

Sports tourism is about to get a major boost with the "Maldives Open." Another visionary move by Ibu! #IbuOK

KuriahKandan's tweet image. Sports tourism is about to get a major boost with the "Maldives Open." Another visionary move by Ibu! #IbuOK

The job market in the Maldives is about to become a whole lot smoother, thanks to a job center proposed in the Ufaaveri Manifesto. #IbuOK

Sweating over exams is one thing; sweating in class is another. Pres. Ibu is putting an end to the latter. #UfaaveriManifesto2023

KuriahKandan's tweet image. Sweating over exams is one thing; sweating in class is another. Pres. Ibu is putting an end to the latter. 


އިލްމުވެރިންނެކޭ އެއްފަދައިން ކުޅިވަރުގެ އަގު ވަޒަންކުރެވޭ ފަދަ ސްކޫލް މާހައުލެއް ގާއިމުކުރުމުގައި އެމްޑީޕީ އާއި ރައީސް އިބޫ ސޯލިހް ގެންދަވަނީ އިސްނަގަވަމުން. #UfaaveriManifesto2023

KuriahKandan's tweet image. އިލްމުވެރިންނެކޭ އެއްފަދައިން ކުޅިވަރުގެ އަގު ވަޒަންކުރެވޭ ފަދަ ސްކޫލް މާހައުލެއް ގާއިމުކުރުމުގައި އެމްޑީޕީ އާއި ރައީސް އިބޫ ސޯލިހް ގެންދަވަނީ އިސްނަގަވަމުން.


Our children's comfort is paramount. That's why @ibusolih is cooling down classrooms across the nation. #UfaaveriManifesto2023

KuriahKandan's tweet image. Our children's comfort is paramount. That's why @ibusolih is cooling down classrooms across the nation. 


A fit nation starts with fit kids. President Ibu Solih understands this and is expanding school sports programs across the Maldives. #UfaaveriManifesto2023

އަހަރެމެންގެ ދަރިން ހަރަކާތް ކޮށްލަމާ ހިނގާށެވެ! ރައީސް އިބޫއަށް ޝުކުރު އަދާކުރައްވައި، ސްކޫލް ކުޅިވަރުތަކަކީ ރާއްޖޭގެ ތައުލީމީ ނިޒާމުގެ މުހިންމު ބަޔަކަށް ވެގެންދާނެ. #UfaaveriManifesto2023

ވެކްސިނާ މެދު ކަންބޮޑުވެ މައިން ނިދި ނަގާލާ އުޅޭކަށް ދެން ނުޖެހޭނެ. ހުރިހާ ކުދިންނަށް ވެސް ފުލް ކަވަރޭޖް އަންނަނީ. #UfaaveriManifesto2023

KuriahKandan's tweet image. ވެކްސިނާ މެދު ކަންބޮޑުވެ މައިން ނިދި ނަގާލާ އުޅޭކަށް ދެން ނުޖެހޭނެ. ހުރިހާ ކުދިންނަށް ވެސް ފުލް ކަވަރޭޖް އަންނަނީ. #UfaaveriManifesto2023

No more sleepless nights for moms worrying about vaccines. Full coverage for all kids is coming. #UfaaveriManifesto2023

KuriahKandan's tweet image. No more sleepless nights for moms worrying about vaccines. Full coverage for all kids is coming. #UfaaveriManifesto2023


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