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I love chilling with people that make me forget I have a phone.

Joined May 2021
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Sheeza Reposted

ޖުމްހޫރީ ދުވަހުގެ ހެޔޮއެދުމާއި ތަހުނިޔާ އެންމެހާ ލޮބުވެތި ރައްޔިތުންނަށް އަރިސްކުރަން. މިއީ ދިވެހި ރައްޔިތުންނަށް އެއްބައިވަންތަކަމުގެ އިހުސާސާއި ގައުމީ ރޫހު އާލާކޮށް ގެނުވައިދޭ ދުވަހެއްކަމުގައި ލައްވާށި. އާމީން.

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Sheeza Reposted

My sincere congratulations to President-elect @realDonaldTrump on your election as the President of United States. May your tenure be an era filled with peace and prosperity. Best wishes for this successful journey.

Sheeza Reposted

ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ފަޚުރުވެރި ނަޞްރުގެ ދުވަހުގެ ހެޔޮ އެދުންތައް އެންމެހާ ލޮބިވެތި ރައްޔިތުންނަށް އަރިސްކުރަން. 3 ނޮވެމްބަރު 1988 ގައި ރާއްޖެއަށް ކުރިމަތިވި ޢުދުވާނީ ޙަމަލާގައި ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ދިފާޢުގައި ޤުރުބާންވި ޝަހީދުންގެ ހަނދާން އާކުރަމުން، ކުރިމަގުގައިވެސް ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގައި…

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Sheeza Reposted

ދީނާއި ޤައުމުގެ ދިފާޢުގައި ޤުރުބާންވި ޝަހީދުންގެ ޒިކުރާ އާކުރަމުން، ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ނަޞްރުގެ ދުވަހުގެ ހެޔޮ އެދުންތައް އެންމެހާ ލޮބިވެތި ރައްޔިތުންނަށް އަރިސްކުރަން.

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Sheeza Reposted

Happy World Mental Health Day! May we strengthen our efforts to be more compassionate towards everyone around us and support each other as a fundamental part of our daily lives.

Sheeza Reposted

އަނިޔާވެރިކަމަކީ އެއްވެސް ކަމަކަށް އޮތް ހައްލެއް ނޫން. ސުލްހަވެރިކަމާއެކީ މައްސަލަތައް ހައްލުކުރުމަށް މަސައްކަތްކުރަމާ!

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Sheeza Reposted

ދައުލަތުގެ ބަޖެޓުން ސިޔާސީ ޕާޓީތަކަށް ފައިސާ ދިނުން ހުއްޓާލަން އެމްއެންޕީން ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލީހަށް ހުށަހަޅަނީ dhuvas.mv/265441

Sheeza Reposted

ސިފައިންގެ ޚިދުމަތުގައި ގިނަ އަހަރުތަކެއް ނަޒާހަތްތެރިކަމާއެކީ ޚިދުމަތްކުރައްވާފައިވާ ބޭފުޅުންގެ މަސައްކަތުގެ އަގުވަޒަންކުރުމުގެ ބަދަލުގައި، ކޯޓުތަކަށް މައްސަލަ ހުށަހެޅި ދައުވާކުރުމަކީ ބަލައިގަނެވޭފަދަ ޢަމަލެއްނޫން. ކުރީގެ ޗީފް އޮފް ޑިފެންސް ފޯސް މޭޖަރ ޖެނެރަލް ޝިޔާމްގެ މައްޗަށް…

Kureege defense chief Shiyam ge machchah nufoozge dhauvaa saabithu nuvaa kamah hukumkohfi dhauru.com/post/news/31435

Sheeza Reposted

Sending warm wishes to China on your 75th National Day. Wishing you continued success, prosperity and a future filled with great achievements. May mutual respect and gratitude bind our nations together as we proceed on the road of collaborative developments. @ChinaEmbassy_MV

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Sheeza Reposted

Happy World Tourism Day to all Explorers and Travellers! May we have an open mind to new adventures and cultures.

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Sheeza Reposted

On this World Tourism Day, let us celebrate the endless beauty of travel.

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Sheeza Reposted

ދިވެހި ރާއްޖޭގައި ދުންފަތުގެ ބާވަތްތަކާއި ވޭޕް މަނާކުރުމަށް މޯލްޑިވްސް މެޑިކަލް އެސޯސިއޭޝަނުން ގޮވާލުމުން ދައްކުވައިދެނީ ދުންފަތުގެ އިސްތިއުމާލުކުރުމުން މުޖުތަމަޢަށް ސިއްޙީގޮތުން ކުރިމަތިވާ ބޮޑެތި އަސަރުތައް ދެނެގަނެ، ލިބިގެންދާނެ ގެއްލުންތައް ހުއްޓުވުމަށް ދުރާލާ…

Tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year, including an estimated 1.3 million non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke.

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Sheeza Reposted

މޯލްޑިވްސް ނެޝަނަލް ޕާޓީގެ ޤައުމީ ހިންގާ ކައުންސިލްގެ 9 ވަނަ ބައްދަލުވުންވަނީ މިއަދު ބާއްވާފައެވެ. މިބައްދަލުވުމުގައި މައިގަނޑުގޮތެއްގައި މަޝްވަރާކުރެވިފައިވަނީ ޕާޓީގެ ހިންގުން އިތުރަށް ހަރުދަނާކޮށް، ޕާޓީގެ މިސްރާބު ބައްޓަންކުރާނެ ގޮތާއި މެދުގައެވެ.

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Sheeza Reposted

It was a productive meeting. I am confident that we can work together to achieve a common goal. Looking forward to a successful collaboration. @WFD_Maldives

It was a pleasure meeting with @WFD_Maldives the Westminster Foundation for Democracy’s Country Director Aryj Hussain and team. Had an enlightening and promising discussion. Looking forward to working closely and achieving meaningful outcomes together.

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Sheeza Reposted

Indeed a valuable exchange. Had the privilege to discuss key national issues with the @USinMaldives Ambassador Hugo Yon. I am optimistic that this dialogue will pave the way for more focused efforts.

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Sheeza Reposted

Honoured to meet with the @USinMaldives Ambassador Hugo Yon. We had a constructive talk focused on enhancing economic resilience, governmental strength and avenues for empowering women and youth. Looking forward to a speedy progression with the newly established collaboration.

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Sheeza Reposted

Heartfelt congratulations to the new PM of Thailand Paetongtarn Shinawatra. The Parliament electing a young PM gives a powerful indication about the nation's readiness for progressive reforms. Wishing @ingshin success and wisdom as you set off on this journey.

Sheeza Reposted

Honoring the fearless young hearts shaping the world. Embrace your potential. You are the leaders of tomorrow. Happy International Youth Day

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Sheeza Reposted

This is the beginning of a new chapter and a promising alliance between Maldives and India. We look forward to strengthening this relationship further and work together for a brighter future. @DrSJaishankar

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