Ethiopia Prevails
@GoshuTesfayMedical Doctor in Ethiopia
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The mediation efforts by the United States and the African Union should focus on disarming TPLF completely! That way humanitarian access can be guaranteed. TPLF wants the war to go on! #NoMore #UnityForEthiopia #TplfMustGo!
#TPLFTerroristGroup is a pathological liar. They are waging war on the Afar people although they claim to have restrained themselves from hostilities to give peace a chance. Innocents are dying each day by these criminal thugs. #AfarUnderAttack
Today's update from #Afar.TPLF waged war against Afar through mechanized heavy weapons continues. According to Afar Regional government,290,000 Afar have been internally displaced as a result of this latest war.IDPs showing COVID-19 infections.Need food medicine&emergency support
ህወሓት ትጥቅ ይፍታ! አገራችን የጦር አበጋዞች አገር መሆንዋ ሳይሆን የሰላም አገር መሆንዋ ነው ግባችን!#NoMore #UnityForEthiopia #TplfMustGo
#Mali is fighting African war.# NoMore hands off All Africa # let African handle their internal Affairs, by African s. We have culture we do not require any other Interference other than Africa.
#Mali is saying #nomore to French imperialism and #neocolonialism in a big way. Yet, most mainstream media, not surprisingly so, is ignoring it!
እራሳችንን ችለን የሚያቆም የፖለቲካና የኢኮኖሚ የወታደራዊ ሀይል እስከለለን ድረስ እኛን ማንም ሊያከብረን አይችል። የምንከበረው ባለን ሀይል እንጅ በአገራችን ማንነት ወይም በምንከተለው ሀይል በምንናገረው ቋንቋ አይደለም።
የሱዳን ጦር መግለጫ «..ኢትዮጵያ ልትወረን ነው..» የኢትዮጵያ መከላከያ ስራዊት በአልፋሽቃ ኩብራ በኩል ወደ ሱዳን ለመግባት ሙከራ እያደረገ ነው። ሱዳን ያለውን የፖለቲካ አለመረጋጋት ሊጠቀምበት ከፍተኛ ዝግጅት ማድረግ ከጀመረ ዋል አደር ብሏል።
An Open Letter to President Joseph R. Biden Jr. #Ethiopia
ብሔራዊ የደኅንነት ምክር ቤት በመላው ኢትዮጵያ የሚታየውን የሰላምና ጸጥታ ጉዳይ አስመልክቶ ግምገማ አካሂዷል። በስብሰባው ላይ የሀገሪቱን ጸጥታና ደኅንነት ሊያስጠብቁ የሚችሉ ቀጣይ ተግባራት እንዲከናወኑ አቅጣጫ ተቀምጧል።
The National Security Council has undertaken an evaluation of peace and security issues throughout the country and set direction for subsequent tasks to carry out.
የብልጽግና ሥራ አስፈጻሚ ኮሚቴ በልዩ ልዩ ሀገራዊ እና ቀጣናዊ አጀንዳዎች ዙሪያ ምክክር አድርጓል። ውይይት ከተደረገባቸው ጉዳዮች መካከል የሀገራችን ወቅታዊ የጸጥታና የደኅንነት ሁኔታ፣ ኢኮኖሚያዊና ፖለቲካዊ እንቅስቃሴዎች፣ 1/2
እንዲሁም ጂኦፖለቲካዊ ለውጦችን የተመለከቱ አጀንዳዎች ይገኙበታል። የሚታዩ ክፍተቶችን፣ ለውጥ የሚያስፈልጋቸውና መሻሻል የሚገባቸውን ጉዳዮች በዝርዝር ገምግሞ በቀጣይ እንደ ሀገር መከናወን ስለሚገባቸው ተግባራት አቅጣጫዎችን አስቀምጧል። 2/2
ዘመ1 ጀምሯል It is not uncommon for both the forerunner of the @UN known as the League of Nations and the @UN to betray Ethiopia (the founding member of both organizations) and present her as sacrificial lamb to enemies. #StopWeaponizingAid #TplfTerroristGroup @UN @unhcr @UNOCH
ዘመቻ3 #TPLFisaTerroristGroup ,TPLF has killed countless livestock in the Amhara regional state of Ethiopia. It was a deliberate act to inflict pain on the farmers and ordinary peasants in the region.#StopWeaponizingAid @POTUS @SecBlinken @PowerUSAID @BBCWorld @CNN @AJEngl
Why America is dying to save the dead TPLF zombies, Not for Tigray people, not for Ethiopian people, not even for justice, but to bring back the dolls to control east Africa. #StopWeaponizingAid #TplfTerroristGroup @IndiaUNNewYork @RussiaUN @Chinamission2un @KenyaMissionUN
I don't believe America is rejecting Ethiopian gov't decisions like TPLF, the similarities are amazing, both don't accept Ethiopian gov't decisions, that clarifies why US is helping TPLF. #StopWeaponizingAid #TplfTerroristGroup @irishmissionun @EstoniaUN @franceonu @NorwayUN
ዘመቻው ተጀምሯል #TPLF is competing #ISIS not only in its brutality and cruelty but also in acts of cultural genocide. Hundreds of churches, mosques & Monasteries totally destroyed by TPLF act of terror in northern Ethiopia. #AtrocitiesByTPLF #TPLFTerroristGroup @USUN
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