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jeies 장현승 [Leave]


this kiddo will forever be her majesty @fyhyunaaa 's love 0311 2512 1206 0908. sorry-thanks-goodbye

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Goodnight everyone goodnight b2uties goodnight my queen @fyhyunaaa

Imma gonna take my leave again. Take care well sweetie, 사랑해 내 여왕님 @fyhyunaaa http://t.co/mlGNrrpEaK

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Nanti kapan2 jeies nyanyiin 니가 처음이야buat heyon ya skrg belum bisa 미안..@fyhyunaaa

Make sure to watch the video, my queen @fyhyunaaa

Mort/rancho/jeies/jees out.

Goodbye, sorry, thanks heyona

Smua org yg pernah kenal jeies, let's meet again someday, somewhere

Bomi, jipao, dan smua adek2 yg cukup kampret. Goodbye

Fiction,biskuat,smua rp beast. Thanks and sorry

"kalo ntar heyona sering ngestalk rancho oppa gpp kan ._." -heyona @fyhyunaaa 6 Nov 2013, di tempat.-

@WfeiMissA_ -c- gua rp yg termasuk cukup langka susah dpt apdetan jd kalo blm ad apdetan pasti kebawa ikut OOC.. kaya skrg

@WfeiMissA_ bukan masalah baper yee gua mah kaga pernah baper rp. tp liat deh makin kesini rp makin ky PA. aplg -c-

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