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Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan 🇦🇿

Joined June 2020
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noora🇦🇿 Reposted

12 yıl sonra kadın şampiyon Seninle gurur duyuyorum Nisa🏆

noora🇦🇿 Reposted

6 aylık upuzun serüven sonucunda Survivor 2022 All Star’ın şampiyonu NİSA BÖLÜKBAŞI oldu!🥑 Böylece Survivor 12 yıl aradan sonra kadın şampiyonla buluşmuş oldu.. #nisabolukbasi #survivor2022allstar

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noora🇦🇿 Reposted

noora🇦🇿 Reposted

Sadece ailenin değil bizim de gururumuz oldun. Aynı anne ve baban gibi gururlu gözlerle sana bakıyoruz. Seni çok seviyoruz. Sonuç ne olursa olsun BİZİM ŞAMPİYONUMUZ SENSİN! Allstar şampiyonluğu için de Nisa yaz 1890a gönder! #SurvivorAllstar2022

noora🇦🇿 Reposted

Son düzlük hadi devam 1890 NİSA 💙

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noora🇦🇿 Reposted

Hayallerimize ulaşmamıza birkaç saat kaldı. HAZIR MISINIZ? KADIN ŞAMPİYON GELİYOR! #SurvivorAllstar2022 #NisaBölükbaşı

noora🇦🇿 Reposted

1200-year-old Ganja, Azerbaijan’s 2nd largest city. 100km far from Karabakh. Entire residential neighborhood wiped out by missiles launched by Armenia. At least 7 Azerbaijani civilians killed, 33 wounded, including children. #Karabakh #PrayForGandja #StopArmenianAggression

noora🇦🇿 Reposted

🇦🇿❗️Sosial şəbəkəyə girişi məhdud olan Azərbaycan xalqı bu dəqiqələrdə vpn-lə “twitter”də qan edir. Bu gün erməni vəhşiliyi əleyhinə milyonlarla tvit atılıb. Yaşa, Azərbaycan. Çox böyüksən!!! 🇦🇿

noora🇦🇿 Reposted

#Gandja haqqında yazılan twitt-lərə "Like" etmiyəndə özümü Vətən xaini kimi hiss edirəm #StrongGandja

noora🇦🇿 Reposted

#dontbelievearmenia #Prayforgandja #StopArmenianAggression #DontbelieveArmenia 🇷🇺Эти люди не в зоне боевых действий. Это были мирные жители, дети. Миролюбивый мир, тишина! Мы ищем вас, международные правозащитные организации! Армянский террор должен быть остановлен!

noora🇦🇿 Reposted

Ermenilerin şikayeti üzerine orjinal hesabım geçici olarak sınırlandırıldı. Gerekirse kapatsınlar bu yoldan dönen namert olsun. #PrayForGandja #StopArmenianTerrorism #StopArmenianAgression #DontBelieveArmenia #KardashiansSupportTerrorism #PrayForGanja #StopArmenianOccupation

noora🇦🇿 Reposted

❗Армения бомбит гражданские азербайджанцы и гражданские города Азербайджана.Это самый большой второй город Азербайджана,город Гянджа #DontBelieveArmenia #StopArmenianTerror #StopArmenianAgression #StopArmenianOccupation #StopArmenianLies #PrayforAzerbaijan #KarabakhisAzerbaijan

noora🇦🇿 Reposted

Azerbaijanis are fighting in military places. But the armenians throw bombs at civilians. As a result of the Armenian attack on Ganja, there are 9 dead and 37 wounded. Search and rescue continues. October 11, 2020. #PrayForGanja #StopArmenianTerrorism #DontBelieveArmenia

noora🇦🇿 Reposted

Только что в Гяндже, втором по величине городе Азербайджана, находящемся вне зоны конфликта, погибло другое гражданское лицо из-за непрекращающейся агрессии со стороны Армении. Стоп! Стоп! Это не война; это отвратительное, ужасное иррациональное поведение! #PrayForGanja

noora🇦🇿 Reposted

This is not a war, this is terrorism. The media did not cover enough of what you did in the 90s.The world did not hear our voice. Is the world deaf or blind today? #PrayForGanja #StopArmenianAggression #StopArmenianOccupation #KarabakhisAzerbaijan

I'm Nilay,I live in #Ganja yesterday I and my family bombarded at our own homes while we're sleeping in the midst of the night. My father died, my mother is heavily injured and they're searching for my grandma's body under collapse #StopArmenianAggression #StopArmenianTerrorism

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noora🇦🇿 Reposted

Armed Forces of Armenia continue intensive bombardment of residential areas of Azerbaijan which is the blatant violation of the humanitarian ceasefire regime and of the Geneva Conventions of 1949🇦🇿 #PrayForGanja #StopArmenianTerrorism #KarabakhisAzerbaijan #StopArmenianAggression

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noora🇦🇿 Reposted

Hello,World! I'm Nilay. Tonight my hometown was bombarded while we were sleeping.I lost my father,my mother is severely injured,the resgue group is searching for my grandmother under rubble.Please do not stay indifferent!Please do not let innocent people die! #PrayForGanja

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There is absolutely NO CONNECTION between #KarabakhWar and #ArmenianGenocide. The only genocide that can be discussed within this conflict is #Khojaly massacre. Please do your research before you disinform your audience #StopArmenianAggression #KarabakhisAzerbajian #PrayForGanja

noora🇦🇿 Reposted

Stop Armenian Agression toward civilians of Azerbaijan Republic. Second biggest city - Ganja is being bombed from Armenian side. Ganja is far from the hot warzone, and no there is no military infrastructure at all. #PrayForGanja #PrayForGanjaCity #PrayforGence

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