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Joined February 2022
Dimitri Reposted

🌏총알이 빗발치고, 고독한 전투가 시작된다! 끊임없이 캐릭터와 무기를 업그레이드하고, 밀려드는 몬스터 해일 속에서 생존의 실낱같은 희망을 찾아내세요! #탑다운슈팅 #어드벤처 #인디게임 #게임추천

Dimitri Reposted

🌏#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸 How to Win🏆: ✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇 ➡️… ♻️Repost &❤️Like ⏰Winner will be announced on October 24th 📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this! #Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

SteamGamesPC's tweet image. 🌏#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸

How to Win🏆:
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⏰Winner will be announced on October 24th
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#Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

🌏총알이 빗발치고, 고독한 전투가 시작된다! 끊임없이 캐릭터와 무기를 업그레이드하고, 밀려드는 몬스터 해일 속에서 생존의 실낱같은 희망을 찾아내세요! #탑다운슈팅 #어드벤처 #인디게임 #게임추천

Dimitri Reposted

🎁New #Giveaway🎁You have the Chance to win 1 Random Steam Diamond Key!#Steam #PC To enter: 1. Follow me 2. Repost 3. Comment End of the Giveaway is Thursday the 31th of October 2024! Good Luck🍀#freegames #games

easyfiesi's tweet image. 🎁New #Giveaway🎁You have the Chance to win 1 Random Steam Diamond Key!#Steam #PC 

To enter:                    

1. Follow me                   
2. Repost                   
3. Comment

End of the Giveaway is Thursday the 31th of October 2024!

Good Luck🍀#freegames #games

Dimitri Reposted

🧛長年の“老吸血鬼”として、引退後にバーを開くのがあなたの夢です! でも…仕入れがなければどうしますか?人を食卓の美味しい料理に変えてしまえばいいのです!ただし、吸血鬼ハンターに見つからないように注意してくださいね。 #シミュレーションゲーム #ゲーム速報

Dimitri Reposted

🧛#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸 How to Win🏆: ✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇 ➡️… ♻️Repost &❤️Like ⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd 📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this! #Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

SteamGamesPC's tweet image. 🧛#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸

How to Win🏆:
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⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd
📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this!
#Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

🧛長年の“老吸血鬼”として、引退後にバーを開くのがあなたの夢です! でも…仕入れがなければどうしますか?人を食卓の美味しい料理に変えてしまえばいいのです!ただし、吸血鬼ハンターに見つからないように注意してくださいね。 #シミュレーションゲーム #ゲーム速報

Dimitri Reposted

🏠《미니 도시》에서는 작은 집들이 3D 테트리스처럼 뚝뚝 떨어집니다! 다행히도 블록처럼 맞춰지더라도 사라지지 않아요! 도로를 설계하고 자원을 계획하면서 《미니 도시》에서 여러분만의 화려한 대도시를 직접 건설해보세요! #시뮬레이션 #게임

Dimitri Reposted

🏠#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸 How to Win🏆: ✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇 ➡️… ♻️Repost &❤️Like ⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd 📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this! #Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

SteamGamesPC's tweet image. 🏠#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸

How to Win🏆:
✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇
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⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd
📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this!
#Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

🏠《미니 도시》에서는 작은 집들이 3D 테트리스처럼 뚝뚝 떨어집니다! 다행히도 블록처럼 맞춰지더라도 사라지지 않아요! 도로를 설계하고 자원을 계획하면서 《미니 도시》에서 여러분만의 화려한 대도시를 직접 건설해보세요! #시뮬레이션 #게임

Dimitri Reposted

⛰️さあ、目を覚まして!あなたはもう島のオーナーです! 畑を開墾したり、小さな村を作ったり、はたまた…大きな家を建てちゃう?想像力を存分に発揮して、だってあなたが島主なんですから! #ゲーム実況 #SteamNextフェス #シミュレーション

Dimitri Reposted

⛰️#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸 How to Win🏆: ✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇 ➡️… ♻️Repost &❤️Like ⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd 📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this! #Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

SteamGamesPC's tweet image. ⛰️#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸

How to Win🏆:
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⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd
📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this!
#Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

⛰️さあ、目を覚まして!あなたはもう島のオーナーです! 畑を開墾したり、小さな村を作ったり、はたまた…大きな家を建てちゃう?想像力を存分に発揮して、だってあなたが島主なんですから! #ゲーム実況 #SteamNextフェス #シミュレーション

Dimitri Reposted

⛰️일어나세요! 이제 당신이 섬의 주인입니다! 땅을 개간하고, 마을을 건설하거나… 아니면 초대형 집을 지어볼까요? 상상력을 마음껏 발휘하세요, 왜냐하면 당신이 바로 섬의 주인이니까요! #시뮬레이션 #게임

Dimitri Reposted

⛰️#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸 How to Win🏆: ✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇 ➡️… ♻️Repost &❤️Like ⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd 📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this! #Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

SteamGamesPC's tweet image. ⛰️#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸

How to Win🏆:
✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇
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⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd
📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this!
#Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

⛰️일어나세요! 이제 당신이 섬의 주인입니다! 땅을 개간하고, 마을을 건설하거나… 아니면 초대형 집을 지어볼까요? 상상력을 마음껏 발휘하세요, 왜냐하면 당신이 바로 섬의 주인이니까요! #시뮬레이션 #게임

Dimitri Reposted

🃏🃏このゲームで最高のカンニングツールは、なんとカメラ! 子供の頃に【しんけいすいじゃく】で同じパターンを探す楽しさを思い出しませんか?今、それがRoguelikeカードゲームの形になったらどうなるでしょうか。… #カードバトル #カードゲーム #ストレス解消

Dimitri Reposted

🃏🃏#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸 How to Win🏆: ✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇 ➡️… ♻️Repost &❤️Like ⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd 📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this! #Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

SteamGamesPC's tweet image. 🃏🃏#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸

How to Win🏆:
✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇
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⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd
📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this!
#Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

🃏🃏このゲームで最高のカンニングツールは、なんとカメラ! 子供の頃に【しんけいすいじゃく】で同じパターンを探す楽しさを思い出しませんか?今、それがRoguelikeカードゲームの形になったらどうなるでしょうか。… #カードバトル #カードゲーム #ストレス解消

Dimitri Reposted

🃏이 게임에서 최고의 치트 도구는 바로 카메라라는 사실! 어릴 적 “연습해 보세요”에서 똑같은 패턴을 찾는 재미를 기억하시나요? 이제 그것이 Roguelike 카드 게임으로 변신했다고 상상해 보세요. #로그라이크 #로그라이트 #덱빌딩

Dimitri Reposted

🃏#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸 How to Win🏆: ✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇 ➡️… ♻️Repost &❤️Like ⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd 📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this! #Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

SteamGamesPC's tweet image. 🃏#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸

How to Win🏆:
✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇
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⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd
📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this!
#Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

🃏이 게임에서 최고의 치트 도구는 바로 카메라라는 사실! 어릴 적 “연습해 보세요”에서 똑같은 패턴을 찾는 재미를 기억하시나요? 이제 그것이 Roguelike 카드 게임으로 변신했다고 상상해 보세요. #로그라이크 #로그라이트 #덱빌딩

Dimitri Reposted

🏠でも、『小さな町』では、家々が3D版のテトリスのように上から降ってくるんです!幸いなことに、ブロックが揃っても消えることはありません!道路をデザインしたり、資源を計画したりしながら、『小さな町』で自分だけの大都市を作り上げてみませんか? #シミュレーション

Dimitri Reposted

🏠#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸 How to Win🏆: ✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇 ➡️… ♻️Repost &❤️Like ⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd 📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this! #Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

SteamGamesPC's tweet image. 🏠#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸

How to Win🏆:
✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇
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⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd
📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this!
#Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

🏠でも、『小さな町』では、家々が3D版のテトリスのように上から降ってくるんです!幸いなことに、ブロックが揃っても消えることはありません!道路をデザインしたり、資源を計画したりしながら、『小さな町』で自分だけの大都市を作り上げてみませんか? #シミュレーション

Dimitri Reposted

🧛#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸 How to Win🏆: ✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇 ➡️… ♻️Repost &❤️Like ⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd 📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this! #Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

SteamGamesPC's tweet image. 🧛#GIVEAWAY - 💸"$5 STEAM WALLET GIFT CARD"💸

How to Win🏆:
✅Like & Retweet this Tweet👇
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⏰Winner will be announced on October 23rd
📧DM me to sponsor a giveaway like this!
#Giveaway #SteamGame #IndieGameDev #Steamworks #SteamWallet

🧛오랜 경력을 가진 "노익흡혈귀"로서 은퇴 후 바를 여는 것이 당신의 궁극적인 꿈이에요! 하지만... 재료가 없으면 어떻게 할까요? 사람들을 맛있는 요리로 변신시킬 수 있어요! 하지만 조심하세요, 그 흡혈귀 사냥꾼들이 찾아오지 않도록! #시뮬레이션 #게임

Dimitri Reposted

🧛오랜 경력을 가진 "노익흡혈귀"로서 은퇴 후 바를 여는 것이 당신의 궁극적인 꿈이에요! 하지만... 재료가 없으면 어떻게 할까요? 사람들을 맛있는 요리로 변신시킬 수 있어요! 하지만 조심하세요, 그 흡혈귀 사냥꾼들이 찾아오지 않도록! #시뮬레이션 #게임

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