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Costin Taporea Reposted

One of the deepest lessons I've taken to heart over the past decade is that becoming a public figure means you turn into a human rorschach test where those who don't like you will take any post or comment and assume the worst possible interpretation. Working on Cardano this…

Costin Taporea Reposted

Absolut savuroase versurile lui Păstorel Teodoreanu (1894-1964) În anul 2024 s-au împlinit 130 de ani de la nașterea lui Păstorel Teodoreanu (30 iulie) și 60 de ani de la moartea lui (17 martie).

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Costin Taporea Reposted

Argentina 2.0 inainte de Milei.

Costin Taporea Reposted

Costin Taporea Reposted

I will give $1,000 $SOL to 10 people in next 24hr so some you can ape in SOL memecoins and try you luck. To join just like, repost and make sure you are following me.

Costin Taporea Reposted

Tu ce fel de investitor esti? Peste 700 dintre subscriberii nostri au completat formularul nostru. ( like & retweet, baaaaa !) Am lucrat cu psihologi, investitori cu experienta si oameni din zona de banking si au iesit zeci de itemi relevanti. 5 tipuri de investitori:

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Costin Taporea Reposted

Hey guys! $1,000 Bitcoin giveaway to 5 people will end in next 12hrs. To join just retweet and make sure you are following me.

Costin Taporea Reposted

To celebrate hitting 900k, I will be giving away $1000 Bitcoin to 5 people in 24hrs. Just like, retweet and make sure you are following me.

Costin Taporea Reposted

$ICP broke $10 so as promised I will be giving away $1000 to one person. Just retweet and make sure you are following me.

Costin Taporea Reposted
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Costin Taporea Reposted

Cand altii va cearta ca nu stiti cand sa cumparati, El Jefe, proaspat intors din Moldova, face un nou live despre incredere si speranta. Stiti voi unde. Stiti voi cand.

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Costin Taporea Reposted

End of thread If you enjoyed this thread and want to learn more about each topic mentioned drop a like and a retweet The chapters I will cover in the future are:

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Costin Taporea Reposted

Moscoviții nu-și mai pun nicio dorință când văd stele căzătoare. Ultima săptămână au fost doar drone ucrainene.

Costin Taporea Reposted

🚀@MultiversX si Universitatea “Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu lanseaza un parteneriat inovator pentru educatia in domeniul #crypto! Un pas urias pentru viitorul tehnologiei blockchain in #Romania🇷🇴 👇

Costin Taporea Reposted

Daca ti-a placut acest thread, apasa si butonul de retweet la prima postare ca sa ajunga la cat mai multa lume informatiile astea pretioase💎…

💫 1000 de zile de hypergrowth?🚀 Asta promite @beniaminmincu de la #MultiversX! A renuntat la o seara de vineri linistita pentru a ne impartasi cele mai recente noutati! Hai sa vedem despre ce este vorba👀🍿

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Costin Taporea Reposted

GM, One of the best explanations as to why PriceAction was, is and will always be King 👑! “Patterns repeat, because human nature hasn’t changed for thousand of years." - Jesse Livermore

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Costin Taporea Reposted

Il stiti pe Crypto Nicu?…

Costin Taporea Reposted

TU care dintre obiceiurile de mai sus le practici? Also, daca ti-a placut nu uita sa apesi si butonul de retweet👇…

Daca ai intre 20-35 ani, uite 9 obiceiuri care te pot aduce mai aproape de libertatea financiara:

Costin Taporea Reposted

Ecosistemul @ElrondNetwork a apasat pedala de acceleratie si creste surprinzator de repede Cu @dStanca si @Arscryptopia de la 9:00

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