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سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

Joined October 2013
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انفاس Reposted

قال العلامة حماد الأنصاري رحمه الله:- "إن أهل العلم ينصحون طالب العلم إذا رحل لطلب العلم أن لا يأخذ العلم عن عالم أو شيخ حتى يعرف عقيدته، فإن كانت عقيدة سلفية أخذ عليه العلم، وإن كان خلاف ذلك فلا". ■المجموع ٥٨٥/٢.

انفاس Reposted

قال رجل: يا رسول الله، "من أَحقّ الناس بحسن الصّحبة؟ قال: أُمّك ثُمَّ أُمُّكَ ثُمَّ أُمُّكَ..". [صحيح مسلم: 2548] قال ابن عباس -رضي الله عنه-"..إنِّي لا أعلمُ عملًا أقربَ إلى اللهِ عزَّ وجلَّ مِن برِّ الوالدةِ". [صحيح الأدب المفرد: 4] "في بر الوالدة أجور عائدة" #استثمر_عملك

Prophet Mohammad did not spread Islam by dictating others rather he always did his best to serve as a guiding principle to others by acting upon Allah’s teachings himself first.

The Muslim woman does not imitate men because she knows that for a woman to imitate men is forbidden in Islam. The wisdom and eternal law of Allah (SWT) dictate that women have a character distinct from that of men.

Islam was spread by the sword. That’s the belief of most non-muslims forgetting that there are lot of states in the world that Islam conquered with no force.

According to the Islamic etiquette; Shaving the pubes, keeping hair on your body except the beard is not encouraged in Islam

The holy Quran expounds the philosophy of prayer and points out how one ought to pray, under what circumstances prayers may be accepted and what kind of prayers may not be accepted and what is the sphere within which prayer operates.

Manner in Islam is that, it’s recommended for a Muslim that whenever it’s time to sleep, he/she should always lie on the right side and not to the left or lying on the stomach as the former is the best.

Consequent Reward Or Punishment for women in islam, And The Unity Of Their Destiny All Bear Witness To Their Equality From The Islamic Point Of View.”

By observing Islamic Hijab, unlawful flirtation looks by such people as ogles would cease and help in lessening the amount of rows, strengthening the family roots and as a result create an atmosphere of tranquility within its circle.

The holy Quran fully safeguards the right of women. It is the first Scripture which laid down in express words that men owe duties and obligations to women as women owe duties and obligations to men.

Prophet Mohammad’s childhood gave indications of the sublime and vigorous personality that was to emerge and as he grew up, handsome and powerfully built, the greatness of his persona overawed all who came into his presence.

Islam is the religion for all mankind. It is not for a particular people at the exclusion of others, but it is incumbent on everyone who hears about it to believe in it. Islam is a religion which does not differentiate between people based on their color or race.

here are 5 pillars, which serve as the solid foundation of the religion called Islam

The whole concept of monasticism originated in the notion that woman was an inferior type of creation was denounced by Islam and raised woman to a position of spiritual equality with man. It held that man and woman complemented each other.

The holy Quran is important in that we use its contents for prayers. The holy Quran also teaches man how to worship, how to trade, how to relate with one another. It makes clear the reward of good as distinct from that of bad behavior.

interesting attitude existing in Qur'an repeatedly deals with its advice to the reader. It informs the reader about different facts and then gives the advice: "If you want to know more about this or that, or if you doubt what is said, then you should ask those who have knowledge


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