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Ferdinand Ade


Engineer & Consultant @codecentric. Interest in development of sustainable software, katas and teams. co-organizer @softwerkskammer Leipzig, speaker

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Ferdinand Ade Reposted

Seriously, in this scenario it would make sense for the soccer players to just run back and forth across the field as fast as they can while the other team scores 300 goals. That's what we do. We're not trying to win. We're trying to show how busy we were.

Imagine measuring the success of a soccer team by the total distance each person ran. That's what we do with our useless "Agile metrics." They're disconnected from reality. You don't earn $.01 or make the stock price go up .01% with velocity.

Ferdinand Ade Reposted

Look, you’ve got two options. Either make it super smooth and reliable to make changes to your production systems, and test that capability continually, or dramatically increase the chance of getting owned when a CVE comes out because it takes so long to safely apply the fix.

Ferdinand Ade Reposted

Trefft unsere Kollegen im Juli auf der @developer_week in Nürnberg! In vier Talks werden Matthias, Marco, Manuel und Ferdinand ihr Wissen rund um 🔴 Datenarchitekturen 🔴 Funktionale Programmierung 🔴 Green IT 🔴 Domain Modeling mit euch teilen. Details: cclnk.de/3TbpBIc

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happy to be speaking @dev_bcn soon, it will be fun :)

🚀 From concept to reality! Join @145ferdi and @marcoemrich at #devbcn24 for 'From Vision to Code: Functional Domain Modelling'. Learn to transform strategic ideas into executable code! Don't miss this vital session! Details ➡️ buff.ly/4byycLt

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If you're around Leipzig and interested in Software Teaming (@WoodyZuill 's new name for Mob/Ensemble Programming): we meet tomorrow @codecentric Leipzig to explore that topic in a practical way: meetup.com/le-software-cr…

Ferdinand Ade Reposted

The Singleton. Once, a harmless design pattern, even useful for resources usage. It then became such a menace in testing. But is it really evil? Or just misunderstood? Check out the video. youtu.be/Mmi8iH1JQz0 #development #software #designpatterns #singleton #cleancode

Ferdinand Ade Reposted

#Slides und Links zum Talk "Was ist dieses #DDD und wobei kann es mir helfen" von @145ferdi und Lennart Golubski von @codecentric sind online. Danke an alle! jugsaxony.org/timeline/2024/… #JUGSaxony #Meetup #DomainDrivenDesign #Softwareentwicklung #Sachsen #Zwickau #ITinSachsen

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Ferdinand Ade Reposted

In this live coding event you can watch and even participate directly on a practical example: buff.ly/49J7xe3 with @marcoemrich and @145ferdi Join us at #DDDEU24 for more live coding

Ferdinand Ade Reposted

Nächster Vortragsabend "Was ist dieses #DDD und wobei kann es mir helfen?" am 18. April 2024 an der Westsächsischen Hochschule #Zwickau mit Ferdinand Ade (@145ferdi) und Lennart Golubski von @codecentric Hier könnt ihr euch kostenfrei anmelden: jugsaxony.org/timeline/2024/… #Meetup

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Ferdinand Ade Reposted

The solution is simple. Don’t mock what you don’t own. Introduce your own interface and mock its behaviour. Write a contract test for the implementation of the interface. The contract test should actually call the API and at least confirm mocks’ assumptions.

The risk with mocked tests: The test may not test anything. Example: I just reviewed a test that claimed to ensure a JSON API response was the expected shape. The problem: The test mocked the API response. So the test didn't actually test anything.

Ferdinand Ade Reposted

The research results are quite astounding - sad even, given the state of many code bases.

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Ferdinand Ade Reposted
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Ferdinand Ade Reposted

Over-simplification comes from not seeing trade-offs. Over-complication comes from not accepting trade-offs.

Ferdinand Ade Reposted

Modern collaborative methods such as EventStorming help to bring together subject matter experts and developers. Domain Modelling goes one step further and enables joint work directly on the code: buff.ly/49J7xe3 with with @marcoemrich and @145ferdi Join us at #DDDEU24!

Ferdinand Ade Reposted

"One assertion per test" is the sort of thing you teach TDD beginners, as a crutch, but it's not a good universal rule. You should test one concept per test, one rule, one unit of behaviour. Sometimes that concept is better expressed with more than assertion.

Ferdinand Ade Reposted

❓ Was sind #Kotlin #Coroutines? ❓ Und wie erleichtern sie #ReactiveProgramming im Tandem mit #Spring #Webflux? 👉 Das erfahrt ihr in Teil 2 von Christians und Ferdinands Blogreihe: cclnk.de/3Nt5T7q

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Ferdinand Ade Reposted

Methods on enum types are under-utilized. Pushing differentiating behaviors to the enum constants themselves often helps to avoid convoluted conditional logic elsewhere.

Ferdinand Ade Reposted

🍃 #ReactiveProgramming mit #Spring #Webflux Wie man mit dem @springcentral-Projekt reaktive Anwendungen erstellt und welche Herausforderungen dieser Ansatz mit sich bringt, zeigen Christian und Ferdinand in ihrem neuen Blogpost: cclnk.de/3uV9zsl

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